Special Education

Believing that education is a fundamental right for everyone and that school must be a safe place where every individual obtains appropriate help and support according to their intellectual and developmental abilities, the Special Education Section was established in 2013 for students with learning disabilities such as functional illiteracy, ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, performative disorder, etc.
The Section offers proper academic adaptations in particular ways that suit the needs of each individual, develop their mindset, and improve their social, behavioral and motor skills. It also helps them getting to know the world of careers and positively lead their way to it in order to choose their future career and do a professional training as well.

Social Serivces

The Social Affairs Department works non-stop to help families in need, to bring sponsorship and aid to students, as well as to organize purposeful events. The department has also worked hard to provide free specialized sessions for students with special education needs, as well as scholarships for a lot of students. It’s currently working on improving the school’s amenities in order to provide the students with the highest education quality.      

The Social Affairs Department

Parallel Classes

When students enter school, some have fragile achievements, and others are eager to deepen their knowledge and know-how. All still need assistive devices adapted to their profile. Personalized support is the framework for implementing this assistance. It replaces personal work.
The teaching team, under the supervision of the head of the department, develops the personalized support plan. 
Personalized support, for example, helps to deal with the same point of the program but by adjusting the strategy according to the needs of the students. With a group, the teacher gets back to the prerequisites necessary for understanding the concept (review conjugation basics before addressing the question of the main usages of past tenses), while with another group, this same concept can be deepened (beyond the main usages of the past tense, they address the question of the expression of anteriority in relation to a main fact or even going further by applying them in the written expression). This differentiation is all the more perceived as legitimate since the student assessment project introduces, for the common base, the notion of degree of acquisition (whereas until now, the evaluation system in the report card is binary).

Personalized Support in our School


Parents Committee

Our students’ parents play a key role in the educational process. They are our partners in raising and educating new generations. Throughout the years, our students’ parent showed a high level of cooperation in all the school’s activities and events. They are always there when we need a helping hand, and during the toughest days, they showed an wonderful sense of charity and empathy especially when the school organizes aid campaigns. This sense is clearly reflected in their children who are always ready to help.
The Parents’ Committee at our school plays a fundamental role in organizing and supporting all the events. They always make our celebrations even better with the animation groups, food courts and gifts they bring to our schools’ community. The parents’ committee always makes great efforts to bring the best vibes to our school and among the students.

Extra-curricular activities

Awareness Raising Sessions

Sports Activities

Participation in competitions

Al Kalima Schools
Ecole Notre Dame